Tuesday 20 March 2012


           Why do people go to reunions
     For what is united
Can it ever die?

When you see an old mate
After thirty years
Is it nostalgia
Or , love
That has stood still
All these years

Time , maybe
Has stood still
For, why
Should we ,relive
Those moments
Of ,
Forgotten bliss

Why do we go back
To those days
The auguries
Of innocence
We lost, somehow
On the way

And what makes us
Share, those moments
So precious
That it seemed
They happened
Only yesterday

What is it
That makes you
Remember , yesterday
And forget the present

Do we
Are we complete
In,  anyway

What did we gain
What did we lose
As we drifted
Along life’s  way

A  bubbling stream
That sang it’s song
To the silent night
Not caring, for
Who may listen
That we were.

Somehow became
The river and
The ocean.

But where is the stream
Did it lose itself
On the way?

For is not the ocean
All the streams ,and more?
Why, do we, still
                                                          SEND BY  Mr Kiran Chauhan 
                                                    Date :20 March 2012

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