Monday 26 March 2012 JOIN IT

Jhatkaa via 
4:23 PM (1 minute ago)

to me

Thank you for signing. Please forward this email on to others who may want to sign the Clean Ganga Now campaign:

For more information on the campaign please visit

Here's the full petition:

Stop the Sewage - Clean Ganga Now

Existing sewage treatment plants along the Ganga fail to capture all the sewage, remove harmful bacteria, and numerous electricity blackouts mean the plants are often out of operation. We need a model city to demonstrate an effective solution. The central government has already given approval for such an effective and innovative solution in Varanasi. All that is needed is for the work to begin.
Ask Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav to do what all UP leaders have failed to do before him -- to clean the Ganga and begin work in Varanasi.

Sign here: Let's hope the Ganga river is cleaned!

Thanks on behalf of the Clean Ganga Now campaign,
Deepa Gupta, Jhatkaa 

               DATED  26 MARCH 2012

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