Friday 30 March 2012




BHU_IT 1971

from Madan Sharma

From Harshabardhan Ray




Thursday 29 March 2012


(A)Pranab Pal
Mar 16

to Liladhar, Ajay, Anil, Arun, ARUN, Alak, A.N., Aseem, avijit.banerjee, VIJAY, Rakesh, Harinarain, Chandra, P.V., PD, BD, G.M., G.M.Kapur, G, Ramesh, Harishanker, Rajkumar, J.P., Bipin, Ajeet

Dear Friends,
                   Hope you all are enjoying the meet, which is a wonderful attempt made by the organising team. My heartiest congratulation to the team. I am missing this, but could not help. Hope for next time. Wish you all the success and days full of enjoyment.
Pranab Kr. Pal
71 Mechanical
(B)Ravindra Raina
Mar 17 (13 days ago)

to Pranab, Liladhar, Ajay, Anil, Arun, ARUN, Alak, A.N., Aseem, avijit.banerjee, VIJAY, Rakesh, Harinarain, Chandra, P.V., PD, BD, G.M., G.M.Kapur, G, Ramesh, Harishanker, Rajkumar, J.P., Bipin
Hi Pranab,
Yes all of us Varanasi are having a wonderful time together. We have been under a very tight schedule and enjoying every bit of it. Hope U could have made it. Anyways we look forward for our next meet in November 2012, so keep yourself free during that period and await further details from the Core Committee Members.
(C)Pranveer Khare
2:07 PM (22 hours ago)

to arvind0604, me, anshulagrawal2., pramod
Hello Chat,

Yes, I remember you very clearly.  If my memory is serving me right....Your father was Manager of Allahabad bank.  CORRECT?  And, yes I did visit your mother with my wife.  Bansal and you also came to my house once.  You and I also played a lot of badminton (and table tennis).

Yes, we missed a lot of people we did not see...Arun Khare, Vinod Khare, Montu, Anil Asthana, Vinay Kela to name a few.

It was indeed a Life Time Event for me!!!

Hope to see you at the future event.  I am not sure if I would be able to attend the event in Kota this winter.  It is too soon for me to travel from USA.

If I could be of ay help from here to anyone....please let me know.
(D)Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 09:42:28 +0530

dear mama -bhanja jodi ;
                                        though i missed the trip due to compelling personnal reasons ,i could feel the thrill of the meet .this has given allof us an opportunity to make strings of friendship resonate-thats how i came to know about u. well if u recall , we were your neighbours at  tilak nagar kanpur. in fact ,u had visited our home with your wife to meet my mother .
                   i hope u are able to place me.
(E)M.C Prasad
Mar 20 (10 days ago)

to me, hlghai, vinaykela, Ramesh, SN, Ajay, Ajeet, Alak, Amar, Anil, ANIL, Arun, ARUN, ARUN, Arvind, Arvindkumar, Aseem, Ashok, banerjee, B, BD, Bharali, Binod, Bipin, NIGAM
Dear Mr Azad & other Bachmates,
The meet has been very nicely organised  and it has fulfilled long awaited desire of our batchmates.It was a wonderful event and I  enjoyed to a great extent and now feeling more energetic.I shall keep in touch  with all of you for mutual healthy and happy relationships.
Best of luck to all.
M C Prasad
Btach-71 (Elect)
NOIDA , M-9425604018,
(F)Rama Nath
Mar 20 (10 days ago)

to me, hlghai, vinaykela, Ramesh, SN, Ajay, Ajeet, Alak, Amar, Anil, ANIL, Arun, ARUN, ARUN, Arvind, Arvindkumar, Aseem, Ashok, banerjee, B, BD, Bharali, Binod, Bipin, NIGAM
Dear Azad, Rastogi,Pramod,and other core group members and batch mates
First of all my heart felt appreciations to all the core group members who have worked painstakingly to make all the arrangements for our stay and ascertainment, not to mention the least for the mouth watering menu including 'Bhan ka Gola'.
I am still obsessed with the feelings of our reunion, 'khumari abhi tak barkarar hai'. Those who could not make it have missed a lot and I missed them. The class room session was a great rememberence of our good old days particularly the mention of proxy phenomena.
The meet was a feeling as if we had never even parted with each other. Special thanks to Arun who prepared the data slide which have given us document to help us keep in touch with each other now on.
I request all those who have not provided their data sheet, to do it now  so that we can refer it in time to come and remain in touch.
With best wishes and good health wealth & fame to all of you.
Mar 20 (10 days ago)

to me, hlghai, vinaykela, yr_somani, tsnath11, ajayjain77, khareajeet, alak_purabi, anchaurasia0130, anshulagrawal2., akasthana1950, akg711950, aks.shriv, arunkumar.rast., arvind0604, akjain1949, asim_k_bhattac., adpanfeq, Avijit.Banerjee, bckumar2006,, i.bharali, binod.dimri, joshi, cpnigam

Wednesday 28 March 2012

International BHU Alumni Meet(IBAM 2012)

     International BHU Alumni Meet(IBAM 2012)
                                             & Seminar on
                            Mahamana's Vision of Nation Building
                                    23 & 24 December, 2012
(In commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahamana Malaviya)

Visit BHU home page

Monday 26 March 2012 JOIN IT

Jhatkaa via 
4:23 PM (1 minute ago)

to me

Thank you for signing. Please forward this email on to others who may want to sign the Clean Ganga Now campaign:

For more information on the campaign please visit

Here's the full petition:

Stop the Sewage - Clean Ganga Now

Existing sewage treatment plants along the Ganga fail to capture all the sewage, remove harmful bacteria, and numerous electricity blackouts mean the plants are often out of operation. We need a model city to demonstrate an effective solution. The central government has already given approval for such an effective and innovative solution in Varanasi. All that is needed is for the work to begin.
Ask Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav to do what all UP leaders have failed to do before him -- to clean the Ganga and begin work in Varanasi.

Sign here: Let's hope the Ganga river is cleaned!

Thanks on behalf of the Clean Ganga Now campaign,
Deepa Gupta, Jhatkaa 

               DATED  26 MARCH 2012


(A)   R.R. Aiyer
Mar 22 (5 days ago)

to me, hlghai, vinaykela, Ramesh, SN, Ajay, Ajeet, Alak, Amar, Anil, ANIL, Arun, ARUN, ARUN, Arvind, Arvindkumar, Aseem, Ashok, banerjee, B, BD, Bharali, Binod, Bipin, NIGAM
Dear Friends
Today is World Water Day and every year a human chain is formed along the Ganga at Varanasi to create awareness among the people about eliminating pollution from this holy and life-giving river.
The Sankat Mochan Foundation, led by GuruJi ( Prof Veer Bhadra Mishra Ji) is doing yeoman service in creating this awareness as well as taking up strongly with the authorities.
People are asked to contribute their mite by not polluting the river individually.
It is up to us ex-ITan's also to show our solidarity with the SMF and the people of Varanasi
A petition is being signed globally requesting the authorities to  take up this issue in earnest.
Please click on the link below to sign the petition so that this is given wide coverage
Thanks and Best Regards

 ( B) R.R. Aiyer
Mar 22 (4 days ago)

to ashok, manas, rajeev, avijit.banerjee, ARUN, i.bharali, Naresh, kapilraina, Rajesh, RK, harinarain, harishanker, Ravi, MP, me, Pramod, PD, Ravindra, prakash.pandey
Dear Friends living in NCR
The undernoted message to Prof Veer Bhadra Mishra Ji may please be considered.
In case any of you wish to join and participate in the Swatcha Ganga Campaign  of Sankat Mochan Foundation from NCR, without disturbing your daily routine, please do write to Prakash Pandey and/or to me.
Thanks and Regards

( C) From: R.R. Aiyer <>
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 9:19 PM
Subject: Fwd: World Water Day
Cc: Shantanu Mishra <>, Prof S N Upadhyay <>,

Respected Guru Ji
I trust the arrangements for World Water Day went off well today at Varanasi.
Referring to the discussions we had with you, Prof S.K.Mishra Ji and Prof S.N.Upadhyay Ji during our recent Get-Together meet at Varanasi, some of us in NCR would be keen to be of whatever help we can in the Swatcha Ganga Campaign.
As requested, a write-up on current status and hold-up points may kindly be mailed to me.
My good friend, Shri Prakash Pandey of 1971 batch, is also keen to be of help; he is marked in cc. The write-up may also be mailed to him.
Prakash and I will try and round up some more of our friends living in NCR to give assistance to SMF.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards and Respects


Prof S N Upadhyay
3:39 PM (32 minutes ago)

to me
Dear Shri Azad

Thanks a lot for the photographs. I enjoyed every moment of being with you all.

With best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Samvatsar to you, your
family and friends and your colleagues.

With warm regards,

Sincerely yours,

S N Upadhyay
                                                              DATED 26 March 2012


Shantanu Mishra
1:37 PM (2 hours ago)

to me, rraiyer
My dear Ajad ji,
Received all your mails and the attachments.The reunion was a memorable event which pleased our minds and hearts.The albums and the old souvenir are things which I shall treasure for ever.Thanks for all this and the great memento.I am grateful to all your friends specilly to dear Ranajit and you....
I have shared the photos with my family and show them to Mahantji.

We at Sankat Mochan Foundation were busy with the Ganga campaign on World Water Day (22 March) celebrations.You may please follow our online campaign at the webpage ''and please sign th the petition along with all your friends and lovers of Ganga ji.I will send other info on ganga campaign soon.

Thanks again for your respect and love during the REUNION>
..........S K MISHRA

                                                                                                                            DATED 26 MARCH 2012

Friday 23 March 2012


Interview with Dr. Raghava Gowda (Electrical 1971), Associate Professor of University of Dayton, Ohio
@ Feb 22, 2011
We are pleased to publish interview with Dr. Raghava Gowda, Associate professor in the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA.
Dr. Raghava Gowda obtained his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University in 1971; Master of Business Management (MBM) from Banaras Hindu University; Diploma in Numerical Analysis and Automatic Computing from Kurukshetra University in 1977; Master of Business Information Systems (MBIS) from Georgia State University, Atlanta in 1981; and PhD in Computer Information Systems from Georgia State University in 1988.  During his undergraduate study at the Banaras Hindu University he also received a Post-graduate Diploma in Indian History and Culture and earned a Diploma in German.
After completing the course work for PhD at the Georgia State University, he joined in 1988 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Dayton.  At present, he is serving as an Associate Professor in the department.  Dr. Gowda served as the Director of Graduate Program in Computer Science from 1997 to September 2004.
He has introduced and developed curriculum for a number of graduate study programs in Computer Science and Information Systems at University of Dayton and elsewhere. He is also keen to improve curriculum of engineering studies at our institute; and he has reviewed curriculum for one of the departments in IT-BHU.
Yogesh K. Upadhyaya from Chronicle talks to Dr. Raghava Gowda about his academic research career and awards.
Profile of Dr. Raghava Gowda can be viewed on his homepage on University of Dayton at Ohio:
Additional links: University of Dayton, Ohio, USA

501-Raghava Gowda.png
 (Prof. Raghava Gowda)
Q-1: Welcome Sir. Please tell us about the Department of Computer Science, Dayton University and your teaching work.
The Computer Science Department at the University of Dayton is one of the early computer science departments in the country and dates back to 1961. We offer undergraduate programs in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems. We also offer a Master of Computer Science program.  In addition, we offer PhD programs with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the School of Engineering.  This makes our department truly unique.
I am excited to say that we have many students from India and China in our graduate program.  Personally, I have taught a wide variety of courses in programming languages such as BASIC, ALGOL, Pascal, PL/I, FORTRAN, COBOL, C, and C++. My career in teaching in the USA began as a Teaching Assistant while I was pursuing my PhD.  Currently, I am teaching a new course called User Interface Design using Java for the undergraduate students.  However, majority of the time, I teach Systems Analysis, Systems Design, Object-Oriented Systems Development and Software Project Management courses. 
Q-2: Please tell us about your research work in computer science and information systems field.
My PhD thesis was entitled “Influence of Individual Characteristics and Group Cohesiveness on Programmer Productivity.”  It involved study of twelve projects from the beginning to the end over a period of four years. It also required data collection of approximately 80 programmers at the NCR Corporation.  For source code analysis, I had developed a code analyzer that produced various metrics.  Later on, I worked at other areas such as reverse and re-engineering on some projects from the United States Air Force.  I also received an ARPA grant for Incorporating Object-oriented Paradigms in Systems Analysis and Design Courses Using ADA that resulted in developing curriculum modules (5 volumes over 900 pages). I also worked on an Air Force Grant for Product Modeling Technology for Automating Maintenance Instruction.  I have participated multiple times in the United States' Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) summer faculty fellowship program at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and worked on various projects.  Some of my research reports for the Air Force are classified in nature and thus hard to discuss here. I have presented my papers in computer science conferences in U.S. and abroad.  I have also received equipment grant from NCR Corporation to set up a Software Engineering Laboratory in my department and software grants from a number of leading CASE tool vendors.  For a number of years, I used to run Dayton CASE Users Group (DCASE) and organized periodical meetings and invited speakers to the campus. 
At present, I am interested in studying communication in distributed software teams specially focusing on software teams of Indian companies working in US.  During my last few visits to India, I contacted the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hyderabad, Infosys, Wipro, IISc. Bangalore and IIM Bangalore seeking collaboration on the project.  I did contact the Department of Computer Engineering at an IIT and the Faculty of Management Studies at BHU as well and would be very enthusiastic to collaborate with them.   I hope the efforts would pay off and we will have a team to pursue the research.
On my personal time, I have been a reviewer of Computer Science courses for the American Council on Education since 1985 and have reviewed educational programs offered by leading  Air Force bases, Military bases, Naval installations, and training programs offered by corporations such as CISCO, Microsoft, Sun, Learning Tree and other organizations.  I have also offered in-house training programs for software companies and short programs in the area of software engineering.
Q-3: You are also involved in improving curriculum and introducing new ones at a number of institutes. What is your thought on revamping education in Computer Science and related fields at our institute?
I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on updating the curriculum; enhancing teaching and learning; and strengthening the BHU Information Technology infrastructure.
I think there is a need to update the curriculum of the various   programs offered in the area of computer science at BHU - such as B. Tech., and M. Tech. programs offered by the Department of Computer Engineering in the Institute of Technology; and B.Sc., M.Sc., and M.C.A. programs offered by the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science as these programs have some courses in common.  Proper coordination among the programs may result in better use of the resources and standardization of the curriculum.  Almost all the universities use the ACM guidelines in revising the curriculum.
The University could also explore the possibility of introducing a Master of Software Engineering program (MSE) that would specialize both in the technical and managerial aspects software development. It would build on the current B. Tech. or B.Sc. programs in computer engineering or computer science.
As technology pervades every walk of life, most of the universities offer at least one course on computer literacy for all the programs in the university – including arts and humanities.  In addition, every department in the university needs some courses in Information Technology.  Planning and offering these courses could be centralized with the active participation of the recipient units.
As the demand for IT courses is growing, the university administration may explore the possibilities of offering certificate, diploma, or other professional development courses in close consultation with the industry.
Teaching and Learning Environment
There are lots of opportunities to enhance quality of teaching and engage students in problem solving and project work.  Our experience with the Indian students in our graduate program suggests that they are good in theory but need more practice in programming and projects.
We offer lots of programming exercises in introductory programming classes (at least one assignment per week) and projects or research papers in all the upper level courses.  For the courses in the area of Software Engineering (such as Systems Analysis, Systems Design and Object-oriented Systems Development courses) all the students - both undergraduate and graduate - need to complete a team project.  They will be presenting their projects in the class at least in three phases.   I have been using leading IDE and CASE tools from Sun/Oracle, and IBM in my classes which students need to use in the projects.  This makes students comfortable and competent when they go to the industry.
It takes some effort on the part of faculty members to plan the assignments and projects for the courses they teach.  The department and the university should support acquisition and maintenance of appropriate hardware, software and providing laboratory facilities.  Students can be employed as lab monitors under the supervision of a System Administrator.  Now-a-days it is easy to get the software by the faculty members through the Academic Initiative Programs from the software companies. 
The university can support course management systems that would help the faculty in developing and delivering course materials.  For this the university has to invest on the infrastructure and modernize class rooms with the projectors, screens, PCs and networks.
At the University of Dayton, we have a centrally managed course management system.  Previously we used to use proprietary software WebCT and now we have switched to open source software Isidore. We also have a Learning Teaching Center (LTC) for the faculty that provides the latest tools and techniques for experimenting with course design and delivery.
The doctoral level seminars could be very effective in exploring a topic and discuss its feasibility.  One of the emphasis in my doctoral seminars was to convince the faculty that the topic was worth a PhD thesis even if the findings may not be positive. I have been external examiner for a number of PhD theses in Management and Computer Science and topics were somewhat general.  It is essential to focus on specific topics than being a generalist.
BHU Information Infrastructure
All the universities do have continuous plans for enhancing the network infrastructure, administrative, and academic computing.  For BHU it is crucial to integrate both the campuses through IT and maintain a balance in the work load between the staff members and automation in the Central Office.   Mahamana built the temple of learning with the superb infrastructure and now we have to build a sturdy cyber infrastructure to embrace it.  It is a must for excelling in the new millennium. I would be glad to be associated in such efforts.
Q-4: Please tell us about your professional career in India prior to joining University of Dayton.
Soon after my M.B.M. at BHU I joined Industrial Cables (India) Ltd in 1973 at Rajpura, Punjab as an Area Sales Manager looking after their power cable sales in the Northern Region.  I was offered the job during my training program in the MBM final year.  I think the General Manager was impressed with my report on Inventory Management.  Later I was transferred to the company’s Delhi Office.
 I got married in 1974 and my wife Shail was teaching at BHU at that time.  In July 1974, I accepted a job at the Department of Management at Kurukshetra University, Haryana.  Shail also joined Kurukshetra University in 1974 in the Dept of History.  I used to teach Production Management, Management Information Systems courses for MBA students at Kururkshetra.  I got interested in computers at that time.  Then I completed a two-years Diploma in Numerical Analysis and Automatic Computing (later known as MCA) while being a full-time faculty.  I attended a program at IIM Ahmedabad and that motivated me to do PhD in information systems.  I joined the PhD program at the Georgia State University in the fall of 1979.
Q-5: What advise will you give to any engineer interested in having a career as a research scientist while working in academic field?
The faculty members in Indian Universities can take the advantage of the collaboration that they may have with the US universities. Globalization in education is the new trend, no doubt. Our University has MOU with two institutions in India and about five universities in China and we get opportunities to visit those universities in the faculty exchange program.  For an engineer to avail research opportunities, one has to look for people doing similar research and funding possibilities. 
Q-6: Please describe your college days
My college days were busy!  Most of the time, I was studying.  However, I did have my share of good times with many friends. I remember leading trips to different cities with my friends and generally roaming around hearing music and eating great food around Banaras.  I have very fond memories of BHU.  I am a very proud alumnus.  I also met my wife Shail at BHU as she was also studying there as well.  That was definitely one of the highlights of my social life at BHU, of course.   I have remained close to friends that I met at BHU during my engineering days and from my MBA days. I met a number of my classmates during the last Alumni Meet in 2009. 
BHU is one of the greatest institutions of learning with abundance of resources.  I wanted to get the most out of it.  That is why I took a two-year diploma in German and a post-graduate Diploma in Indian History and Culture.  Both of these were taken as evening courses.  That was also a great decision as I learned so much and impressed my future wife!  The BENCO annual day celebrations (later IT day) were also great fun.  I used to participate in some cultural programs with my seniors.  I remember lots of song/dance and even dressing up in costumes.   I had been a class leader in the fourth year of Engineering and organized the one-month long practical tour with Dr. M. Bhattacharyya.  He was truly one of my mentors and I think of him often.
I had great Professors – Professor M. Bhattacharyya, Professor V. V. Chalam, Professor Raj Shekar, Professor Narayana Swamy and Professor Sen Sharma at IT.  I still remember Professor Sen Sharma’s words in the last day of class:   “It does not matter what you become!  It is just for yourself.  What is important is to respect others! “I have since recited these words to my own children many times.   I remember how Professor S. K. R. Bhandary one of the founding members of the Faculty of Management Studies was always interested in his students’ welfare.  When I was working at Delhi immediately after my MBA, he used to give surprise visits to my office to inquire how I was doing.  These professors motivated their students, instilled values and are always remembered. BHU has a long tradition of mentorship which is instilled early on and the goal is that we pay what we have gotten from our mentors forward to the next generations!
Q-8: Please tell us about your personal and family life.
My wife Shail is a History Professor at the Wilberforce University which is near to the University of Dayton.  She is a native of Banaras and completed her B.A., M.A., and PhD at BHU.  I have two children.  My oldest child is my daughter Alpana.  She is a medical doctor (MD) in the field of Pain Management.  She is trained in Ohio and at Stanford University in California.  She is currently a physician at Stanford University Hospital.  She has recently published a book on Pain Relief with Penguin Publishers.  My son Abhishek completed his MD recently and like his sister is pursuing his specialty training in Rehab Medicine/Pain Management at Stanford University Hospital as well.  Though born and raised in the USA, they have both visited BHU many times and really like the campus and the environment.
We have a very active community organization, India Club of Greater Dayton.  I served the organization for a number of years as a Cultural secretary and the President and have been honored by community service awards.   I also enjoy acting in plays.  A good friend of mine Mr. Harish Trivedi is the Chair of India Foundation, Dayton.  We have staged a Hindi play Khoj (written by Shail – a translation of Pirandelo’s Six Characters in Search of an Author).  In 2008, I acted in the lead role in an English play Exit-stance -story of an Indian immigrant who is in his 90’s and living in a nursing home in this country. I also had lead roles in Hindi and Gujarati plays over the years.  Shail is a story writer, Alpana is a very good Indian semi-classical/folk dance, and my son Abhishek is a devotee of Sufi music!   Occasionally, I write poems in Hindi (Shail corrects them) and in my mother tongue Kannada.  Though, in the US for over three decades, we definitely have strong roots in India and are very proud of our culture.
Sir, it was nice talking to you.
Yogesh – I really enjoyed talking to you!  Thanks!!

(Prof. Raghava Gowda with wife Shail)

601-Raghava family.png

(Prof. Raghava Gowda with family)
Office Address:
Dr. Raghava Gowda
Associate Professor
University of Dayton
Department of Computer Science
Office: Anderson Center Room 142
Phone: 937-229-3808


I think I saw You, yesterday
when I heard You sing
a melody,
traced upon the sky
by a bird ,
in broken flight
in harmony with
a naked tree,
delicately silouhetted
in the vast calm
of  a soft evening sky,

Yes, I saw You  again
In the sunlight, that danced with shadows
in  ripples  of light
caressed by the purvaiya wind
underneath a mango tree.

And again,
in the crowded streets
of  Kashi,

when you played
like the sunlight
amongst the wrinkles
in the face of an old man

and shone in his sparkling eyes
with mystery and joy,
as he swayed
and danced
in a moment of divine ecstasy

As if  Kali, was dancing
with her Lord Shiva
to celebrate Shivratri
On the banks of the moonlit
                                              send by
                                                       Kiran Chauhan
                                                       Date : 24 March 2012