Wednesday 1 February 2012



     Nearly 40 years has elapsed since we graduated, yet we all cherish and would continue to cherish every moment of unforgettable and glorious time of our lives spent in IT BHU for four / five years (five years who got admission in 1 st year, four years for who got admission in 2 nd year) from 1966/1967 to 1971.
        We students had shared our moments of joy, happiness and sorrows, in workshops, labs, class rooms and hostels while shaping our  future in one of world’s most renowned educational institutions , founded by great Mahamana  Madan Mohan Malviya . we remain indebted to our institute, the faculty and the supporting staff who had turned us all from a raw youth to engineers. We remain committed to fulfilment of dreams of  Mahamana by serving the institute , India and helping the world professionals and humanity as world class citizens.

        Born in the month of Jully of 1966/ 1967 at the than of Banaras Engineering College (BENCO), College of Mining & Metallurgy (MINMET) and College of Technology (TECHNO)
 which is now Institute of Technology , BHU , the batch was exceptional and unique in many ways since its inception.
      The years of inception of the batch were eventful years in the history of present IT.
Firstly in 1968 – 1969 session  The institute in its present form came into existence after  the integration of Banaras Engineering College (BENCO), College of Mining & Metallurgy (MINMET) and College of Technology (TECHNO)  form present Institute of Technology  

Secondly semester system was introduced in session 1968 – 1969
Banaras Engineering College (BENCO) was established in year 1919
College of Mining & Metallurgy (MINMET) was established in year 1944
College of Technology (TECHNO) was established in year 1939 

          Admission was on All India basis , there like an African jungle , it had new strange animals , hostel wardens like ring masters , had hard time identifying and selecting two of them of the same specie – geographically and linguistically  that can be put in the same cage as room partners ! But hardly could wardens do anything more with the boys from different states more in number than listed in Indian National Anthem from all the 22 Indian states appeared on the scene.  

           When interaction began – some combination found each other strange. Most notably odd situation was when a boy from non Hindi speaking state and Hindi speaking state interacted .One armed with nearly zero knowledge of Hindi and the other with poor English ,With just little conversation they soon got convinced that they can’t understand each other and hardly they tried harder grew the problem. But with time all mixed well and could interact with each other without any problem.

         Five year/ four  period indeed was very long and the Institute had its wonderful system that increased the probability of great mix up and interaction amongst the batch mates .Random allocation of hostels , room partners , in first 2 years / one year common course for all branches ( I know for civil ,mechanical , electrical electronics only)the same subjects , workshops , practicals , drawings .
          In 1971 after our final examination we all went our way , as of today we did not have Alumni association , nor internet , phone were not so common , no mobile , only means was through letters ,so most of us lost contact with each other with passage of time except few who remained in touch or came in touch with each other. But now due to mobile internet we are in a position to be in touch with 115 + batch mates within a short time of past 3 months or so . Still searching other  guys. 

          To relive those memories of sharing and caring once again , Batch of 1971 of IT BHU is going to have its first  reunion in IT BHU,  Varanasi  during 16th to 18th March (Friday to Sunday) 2012.  

           The seeds of reunion was sown almost 3 months back when myself and Mr RR  Aiyer were chatting  on face book . Mr RR  Aiyer stared mailing to batch mates , soon response started coming initially we were handful of few batch mates. One after the other from words of mouth, through spread of emails the resolve for reunion became more strong resulting   115 + of batch mates got in contact with each other,out of which 60  will be attending  reunion as on today.

        Planning stared, dates proposed, changed and finally frozen now.
We now needed persons who could actually take up the tough and hectic responsility to get the things done at ground zero i.e. at Varanasi and IT . Some of our batch mates have come forward them self to take the responsibility .
      As lot of lot of problems stared surfacing it was decided in second week of JAN 2012 to form a core group based at Delhi to coordinate , plan was formed , include suggestions and make all arrangements required for the event .Core group members are Mr  R R Aiyer, OPAzad, Mr PK Pant, Mr Ravindra Rastogi, MrRavi Prakash Mehrotra, Mr P D Didwania ( all these 5 based at Delhi) Mr Anil Kumar Agrawal , based at Varasansi.
Mr ARUN KUMAR SHRIVASTAVA came forward to make a ppt presentation  as we look today 

     Initially it was planed we will get rooms in IT Guest house and about 40 to 50 would stay there, but due to unavailability of rooms in It Guest house , it is now stay is shifted to hotel out side the campus. 
            I am thankful to all core members and other class mates who have came forward to share responsibility, for taking time out of their been  busy life , for   making  arrangements so that the event takes place smoothly  and to remember during our life time.
Due to their efforts reunion will be a great successes. 

     I am also Thankful to all of you who made and are making efforts to get in touch with maximum number of batch mates and whose efforts and presence is required during the event to make it a grand successes

Event will bring us and our families closer.


DATE 1 FEB 2012                                         OP AZAD (CIVIL 71)

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