Monday 16 April 2012


Prem Mandir, one of the largest and most beautiful Hindu temples in Vrindaban, India, was being inaugurated in a glorious 3-day ceremony on February 15-17, 2012.
Prem Mandir is dedicated to the Divine love form of God, Radha Krishn, and will inspire bhakti in the hearts of the devotees for thousands of years to come.
Prem Mandir is a project of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, founded by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, and supported by JKP, Radha Madhav Dham.
It is hard to grasp the sheer beauty and grandeur of this marvelous temple, but it is 
sure to be a source of pride for millions of Hindu devotees and tourists from all over 
the world, for millenia to come.
Prem Mandir is built entirely of gigantic blocks of grainless, pure white 
Italian marble, with no steel, bricks or cement binding between blocks.
It is already being called a wonder of the modern world.
On Jagadguru Divas, 2001, the foundation stone of Prem Mandir 
was laid by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.
On fifty acres of land, the monument is surrounded with magnificent gardens and beautiful fountains. On the walls of this double story monument (122 x 195 ft.) the true theme of our scriptures, the Vedic science of creation, the world history and the unbroken continuity of Bhartiya scriptures for over 1.9 billion years is depicted. 
The beautiful deities of Radha Krishn and their leela songs are depicted 
in an exquisite manner.
Prem Mandir is a unique, educational monument which represents the authentic 
history and the religion of Bharatvarsh, relates its eternal Divine aspect and displays 1008 Braj leela songs of Radha Krishn, which were revealed by Jagadguru Shree 
Kripaluji Maharaj.This temple will stand for thousands of years, inspiring the souls to reach the ultimate aim of their life and guiding them on that path.
Prem Mandir’s architecture is based on the book “Shilp-Ratnakar”, written by 
Vishwa Karma. It is apparently the first temple in the world where the many 
pastimes written in Bhagwatam are illustrated on the wall. The inside view of the 
temple is said to overwhelm visitors with religious feelings.
Huge Deities of Radha Krishn are situated in the center of ground floor. The inside walls are beautified with engraved paintings of Radha Krishn and glimpses of group kirtan (chanting, singing) and lectures of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. It is said that the beauty and art of the tomb-type roof cannot be described in words. The first floor is glorified with the Deities of Sita Ram. Towards the south side of this floor the scenes of the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are engraved with multi color stones and towards the north side the pictures of all the 4 previous Jagadgurus and great rasik saints like Jeev Goswami, Haridas Ji, Hit Harivansh Ji and Vallabhacharya Ji are engraved beautifully. Besides that the beautiful verses are inscribed on the walls.
The Vedas say - It is only love that binds even the Supreme Lord. That is the 
reason this unique temple has been given the unique name "Prem Mandir," 
the temple of Divine love.
The temple is also adorned with beautiful sculptures of deities 
and incidents in Hindu scriptures.
The massive satsang hall will encourage devotion towards 
Radha Krishn to spiritual seekers around the world. 
This is one of two largest satsang halls in the world.
The area of this satsang hall is approx 73,000 square feet; and there is 
no pillar. The satsang hall is circular shaped, and the distance between 
two walls is about 275 square feet. Approx 25,000 devotees can worship 
at a time.To sum it up- The center will also include a fully charitable 
hospital,a 10,000-seat satsang bhavan (hall)  – one of the largest in India – 
dining and living facilities. The multi-media shops will offer beautiful 
kirtans, philosophical books, stunning photos of Radha Krishn and 
other devotional material for sale. A museum depicting India’s antiquity 
and the history of the creation of the brahmand is also planned.
The festivities during the inaugaration, will include kalash yatra with Yamuna jal (water), which will cleanse and sanctify the temple. Thousands of devotees from 
around the world are expected to participate in the yatra. Vedic havan 
(fire ceremonies) and rituals will be held, and the pran prathistha (instilling life 
into the Deities) will be personally performed by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, founder of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat and Prem Mandir. Radha Krishn deities will 
reside on the ground floor, and Sita Ram will Grace the shrine on the first floor. 
Every evening, the famous Ras Mandalis of Vrindaban will enact Braj leelas.
Do not miss watching the wonderful videos of this temple
Kalash Yatra & Mandir Prakshalan - February 15th 2012
Latest News about Prem Mandir
May Lord krishna shower his kind blessings upon us and 
show us his wonderful leelas by filling our lives with 
love and his kind grace...
Quote of BABA:
The pride and the egoism of my devotees will vanish, 
the mind of the hearers will be set at rest and if it has 
whole hearted and complete faith, 
it will be one with Supreme consciousness.
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